Ciderm SP MAX - Maximum Strength Dermal Gel (2oz)

$ 25.30


Ciderm SP MAX is a chlorine dioxide based gel with approximately 2x the strength of Ciderm SP 74 Wound Gel, used to manage stubborn infections such a ringworm, dermal yeast infections, hoof and paw infections and bacterial hypersensitivity reactions where the skin is unbroken, but microorganisms and inflammation persists.


CidermSP MAX Dermal Gel: Water, DioxiCare Chlorine Dioxide Complex (chlorodioxy urea), glycerin, cellulose thickener

(photos and quotes donated by Patti W)

Gangrene of the toe on a neglected hospital patient

Before – “The toe was actually severed and wide open on the tip and looked like raw hamburger”.

Middle (not shown)– After 3 days of Ciderm Gel application, once a day, the wound is appreciably healed. “The healing was so fast and so dramatic, I literally could not believe my eyes. I still can’t. Pictures don’t do it justice.”

After – After 3 more applications, the toe is completely healed. “The dead skin began peeling off the other toes and the sole of the foot. What was amazing was the toe seemed to grow back, I mean, clearly the tip of the toe was gone… I don’t know what to make of it quite frankly.”

To view before and after photos, click on the circle with the arrows over the photos and move it to the left or right to view the Before and After.